Effective & Easy Home Remedies For Itchy Scalp & Hair Fall

Scalp pruritus, also referred to as itchy scalp, is a fairly usual concern. However, it may signify a more serious medical condition brought on by several causes. In some instances, itchiness can also be accompanied by flakiness, scaly patches, bumps, and even hair loss. Hair loss may result if the scratching is excessive or if the condition of the scalp weakens or changes the structure of the hair follicles. After the underlying scalp condition is treated, hair typically grows back.

Hair loss and itchy scalp are common complaints, suggesting that these health problems may be connected or that one may contribute to the other. This article discusses common causes of hair loss and scalp itchiness as well as remedies and preventative measures for these issues.

Causes of Hair Loss and Itchy Scalp

The following ailments and elements can bring on both an itchy scalp and hair loss:

  • Dandruff
  • Head lice
  • Scalp ringworm
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Reaction to a hair care product
  • Scabies
  • Scalp psoriasis
  • Hives

What is the Link Between Hair Loss and Itchy Scalp?

Although these conditions can exist separately, there may occasionally be a connection between hair loss and itchy scalp. The scalp may itch and experience hair loss due to fungal infections, allergic reactions to hair products, and inflamed hair follicles.

In some cases, scar tissue on the scalp can severely itch because it damages the skin’s nerve fibers. A person’s hair loss may have led to the formation of scar tissue, which can itch. Damage to skin and hair follicles can result from repeatedly or vigorously scratching an itchy scalp. Scratching can cause scabs, bleeding, and temporary hair loss. However, most of the time, hair grows back after someone stops scratching.

Other types of hair loss, like hereditary or male- and female-pattern baldness, don’t involve itching the scalp. In these circumstances, scratching the scalp may lead to injury, but the actual reason for the hair loss is unrelated to the itching. Therefore, scratching does not impact whether a person experiences hereditary hair loss.

Home Treatments for Hair Loss and Itchy Scalp

Not all hair loss cases and an itchy scalp call for medical attention. Here are some self-care measures you can take to maintain the health of your scalp and hair.

Consume a Balanced Diet

Important vitamins and minerals for healthy hair and skin include Amino acids, protein, vitamins A, D, and E, iron, zinc, niacin, and selenium.

Point to be noted: Unless you have a known deficiency, you should avoid taking these nutrients as supplements. Suppose you already have sufficient amounts of these supplements in your body; in that case, there is no good scientific evidence that they prevent hair loss, according to research published in Dermatology Practical and Conceptual. Additionally, taking too many supplements can result in hair loss.

Coconut Oil

You should try moisturising the scalp with hair-nourishing oils like coconut oil because the scalp becomes itchy when it is extremely dry. According to studies, coconut oil is packed with qualities that can help to soothe irritability and remove hidden contaminants. In addition, the antifungal properties of the oil help to clear the scalp of fungus infections that itch.

Essential Oils

Essential oils like rosemary and peppermint can slow hair loss and encourage new hair growth despite the lack of scientific evidence to support this. However, before applying essential oils to the scalp, they must first be diluted with a carrier oil. Try experimenting with diluted peppermint or rosemary oil right now.

Lemon Juice

freshly squeezed lemon juice in small bowl

Lemon can be used for much more than just flavouring food and beverages. This well-known citrus fruit is a fantastic source of vitamin C, which helps to reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system. The best ingredient for your hair is lemon, especially when applied as a liquid. It aids in bringing shine to your hair and treating itchy scalps.

Relax with a Head Massage

By boosting blood flow or stimulating hair cells, scalp massage can thicken hair, according to research from Eplasty.

Gently Handle Hair

  • Don’t scratch too much.
  • Do not expose your scalp and hair to high heat or styling products while wearing your hair in a tight ponytail.
  • Until you figure out what is causing your scalp to itch and your hair to fall out, wash with a mild shampoo and let it air dry.

Prevention of Hair Loss Due to Itchy Scalp

You should see a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms, including an itchy scalp and any subsequent hair loss:

  • Crusty scalp patches
  • Bald patches
  • Hair loss in clumps
  • Abrupt hair thinning

These are all symptoms of extreme itching that interfere with daily activities or disturb sleep.


Treating the underlying issue usually encourages the hair to regrow over time when there is a connection between an itchy scalp and hair loss. Even though people can’t always avoid hair loss and itchy scalps, they can lessen their likelihood by using gentle hair products, eating a diet high in nutrients, and taking care of underlying health issues.

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