Stock Up on These Fruits to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking habit, and high cholesterol are all risk factors for heart disease and other heart-related issues. While this may appear to be daunting, there are things you can take to lower your risk. You can, for example, work on decreasing your cholesterol by modifying your diet and incorporating healthier foods into your daily routine. Through this article, discover how fruit can help you lower your cholesterol.

List of Fruits that Help You Manage Your Cholesterol Levels


Watermelon is a delightful way to kick off the summer season, and according to dietitians, it can also help decrease cholesterol. It is a well-known fruit that is an excellent complement to a cholesterol-lowering diet. Watermelon includes lycopene, a pigment found to scavenge free radicals, potentially lowering cholesterol levels. Drinking watermelon juice can be a refreshing way to get various vital nutrients, including lycopene, into your day, especially if it replaces sugary drinks.


Strawberries are high in polyphenols, plant-based substances that naturally aid in regulating your cardiovascular system. Strawberries’ high polyphenol content has been related to a lower risk of heart disease in studies. Raspberries have 8 grams of fiber per cup and can help you reach your goals. Eating enough fiber (at least 25 grams daily) lowers LDL cholesterol and promotes good digestion.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit may also help keep your cholesterol levels balanced. These fruits include hesperidin, which helps alleviate hypertension symptoms, as well as pectin (fiber) and limonoid chemicals, which can prevent atherosclerosis (artery hardening) and lower “unhealthy” (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. In addition, antioxidant flavones can reduce the risk of stroke in women.



Bananas decrease cholesterol by eliminating it from the digestive tract, preventing it from entering the bloodstream and clogging arteries. Slice bananas over top of morning oatmeal with a tablespoon of chia seeds for an extra heart-healthy boost.


Tomatoes, which are high in vitamins such as A, B, K, and C, can benefit your eyes, skin, and heart. Moreover, tomatoes are high in potassium and are therefore considered a heart-healthy food. It lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, and the risk of stroke.


Like other fruits and vegetables, grapes contain polyphenolic chemicals that may prevent cellular damage. Eating 1 to 2 cups of grapes daily can also help protect your tissues and reduce inflammation.


Many love prunes and many hates it. However, if you enjoy eating prunes, you may benefit your heart health in more ways than one. Research claims that 50 grams of prunes (5 to 6) per day significantly boosted HDL (good cholesterol) in postmenopausal women, reduced inflammation, and increased antioxidant activity. You can eat these healthy fruits by blending them into smoothies, incorporating them into savoury chicken dishes, or simply eating them plain.


Royal Gala apples in a pile. All of the apples are red with a slight yellow hue to them. Several apples sit at an angle or on their side, while others sit perfectly straight. There almost forty apples in view.

From healthy skin to digestion, there are numerous reasons why it is known as the “Doctor’s Fruit.” The crisp and tasty fruit may also help you manage your cholesterol levels. Apple pectin fiber and other elements such as antioxidant polyphenols lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol and slow oxidation, both risk factors for atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by hardened arteries.


The fiber-rich fruit lowers blood pressure and regulates “bad” (LDL) cholesterol levels in the blood. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one large fruit (about 780 grams) has 13 to 14 grams of fiber, which is a good quantity. Fibers also aid digestion by adding weight to the stool and facilitating bowel movement.

Avocado Oil and Avocado

Avocados can help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke since they are high in heart-healthy unsaturated fats and fiber. Avocados reduce LDL cholesterol while also improving lipid and lipoprotein profiles.

Avocado oil, extracted from the avocado fruit pulp, has many of the same benefits; it is high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol.


Oranges are not only delicious and beneficial to your immune system, but they are also beneficial to your heart health. This is a satisfying fruit that contains key nutrients for heart health without additional sugars. When it comes to orange juice, observational studies have established a correlation between people who drink it having significantly lower total and LDL cholesterol levels, with men having a 23% reduced risk of having low HDL concentrations than non-consumers. Starting the day with a glass of 100% orange juice can be a good way to promote healthy cholesterol levels.

In Conclusion

Diet and cholesterol levels go together. If you’ve been bingeing on trans fats like fries, burgers, and pizzas, your cholesterol levels are likely to rise. Adding other fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet, on the other hand, may help keep your LDL cholesterol levels in check. Some fruits’ high fiber content levels significantly reduce cholesterol levels.

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