Essential Amino Acids & their Roles In Our Body

Before we go into the details, it’s important to understand the function of amino acids in our bodies. Muscle tissues in our bodies are constantly breaking down and then rebuilding to allow our bodies to expand. Muscles break down when people exercise. In such instances, a person must ensure that he gets enough nutrition so that his muscles can renew and reconstruct themselves.

Some amino acids, such as branched-chain amino acids (also known as BCAAs) and essential amino acids (often known as EAAs), play a vital role in muscle regeneration. Since this article is focusing on EAAs, we will discuss about it more.

An Overview of EAAs

The human body’s proteins are made up of twenty amino acids. Eleven of these can be synthesised by the body, but the other nine cannot. The nine essential amino acids are those that the body cannot produce. Although our bodies are unable to produce EAAs, their value cannot be overstated. We must incorporate EAA into our diet to meet our bodies’ demands and take them regularly.

What Exactly Are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are organic molecules made up of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. They play an important role in protein synthesis. A structure known as a side chain distinguishes each type of amino acid. These side chains provide amino acids with unique activities in the body, allowing them to be extremely versatile.

Essential amino acids are obtained from food and cannot be synthesised by the body on its own. There are nine necessary amino acids:

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

Amino Acid Consumption

Amino acids can be found in foods as well as supplements. The most popular sources of amino acids are protein-rich foods such as lean meats, nonfat dairy products, and protein beverages. Amino acids can also be obtained from vegetables and legumes. Protein beverages and amino acid supplements can also be a simple way to augment our dietary needs.

The Role of EAAs in Our Body

Our bodies’ nine essential amino acids are in charge of muscle development. They also aid in the mending of worn-out tissues and the development of exercise endurance. The following are some of the functions of EAA within the human body:

Greater Training Results

Workouts have little effect on an individual unless they are combined with a healthy diet. EAA is a supplement that provides all of the necessary components for muscle protein synthesis. This helps to compensate for the muscular breakdown induced by a hard workout.

Musculoskeletal System Enhancement

Isoleucine and valine promote healthy muscular function, whereas leucine promotes muscle repair. Lysine improves calcium absorption, which is required for bone formation.These amino acids are good for muscle tone and bone strength. Because they target the muscles and promote energy, isoleucine and valine are common constituents in workout supplements.

Digestion Control

Histamine is a chemical that your body produces to help your digestive system function properly. Histidine is required to aid in the production of histamine.

Improves Sleep & Mood

Tryptophan, an EAA, is involved in the transmission of serotonin and melatonin. Because serotonin regulates appetite and is connected with mood, it is frequently used in antidepressants. Melatonin is also used to help those who suffer from sleeplessness. EAA in adequate amounts can aid in managing their levels in the body.

Improve Body Composition

EAA aids in protein synthesis. This indicates that the body will burn fat rather than muscle, resulting in a healthy physique. People who want to preserve muscle mass while losing weight are more likely to choose a protein-rich diet. EAA aids in the body’s composition improvement.

Hormone Production

Lysine and other amino acids help maintain healthy hormone levels. Amino acid hormones include epinephrine and norepinephrine, which regulate the body’s stress response, and thyroxine, which aids metabolism.

Aiding the Immune System

Want to avoid colds and flu? Histidine, lysine, and threonine improve immunity, allowing your body to fight viruses more effectively.

Neurotransmitter Production

The nervous system communicates with the body through these molecules, which regulate everything from appetite to mood. Phenylalanine generates not only neurotransmitters but also other types of amino acids.

Promotes Development of Healthy Skin, Nails, and Hair

Collagen and elastin help to keep your skin soft and supple. These two proteins also promote the growth of hair and nails. Lysine promotes collagen formation, whereas threonine promotes collagen and elastin production.

Takeaway – Are Amino Acid Supplements Safe?

Non-pregnant, non-lactating people can use amino acid supplements without concern. They have few negative effects, but the following are possible:

  • Headaches
  • Pain
  • Nausea

Because amino acid supplements affect blood glucose levels, you should see your doctor before using them if you take diabetes drugs or have any chronic medical condition. Children under the age of 18 should not use these products.

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