Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as ‘Grahani Roga,’ is a prevalent digestive illness. Grahani roga is a long-term condition that requires long-term management because the signs and symptoms of the disease vary but usually last a long time. Abdominal pain, cramps or bloating, irregular bowel movement, and changes in appearance are the most prevalent symptoms.
According to Ayurveda, the body balances three types of energy known as doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. If the three doshas are out of balance, you may get a range of ailments. For example, our bodies need agni (or digestive fire) to turn food into energy and nutrients. Unstable agni produces poor digestion, which causes your body to produce ama, or poisons, leading to grahani roga symptoms.
Possible Causes of IBS
- Poor diet and nutrition, such as eating a lot of fried food, overeating, eating foods that are terrible for your gut, drinking too much fluids, and eating cold meals.
- Eating at inconvenient times or skipping meals while hungry
- A few underlying disorders include neural system imbalance, aberrant gastrointestinal motor, sensory activity, and so forth.
- Toxin accumulation in tissues involved in the circulatory process.
- Any type of physical or mental strain
- It lowers the body’s immunity and internal strength.
- Natural biological rhythms that are irregular and interrupted
Most Common IBS Symptoms
- Experiencing Irregular bowel habits, such as alternating diarrhea and constipation, poor digestion, and the passage of undigested food particles. The constant impulse to move immediately after eating.
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Enlargement or distension
- Nausea and bloating
- A feeling of incomplete evacuation combined with a strong desire to move
- Dysphagia, heartburn, and chest discomfort
- A few more IBS symptoms might occur, such as fatigue, irritability, headache, anxiety, depression, and even urologic dysfunction and gynecologic problems.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies For IBS
Though Ayurvedic treatment for IBS primarily consists of vitamins and herbal tonics, there are some effective home treatments for IBS.
Yoga can be utilized to relieve anxiety since it calms the body and moves it toward a healing condition, eventually relaxing our inflamed digestive system. Slowing down your body and deep breathing helps massage and nourish numerous organs. This, in turn, empowers the intestines and eventually returns the body to health. Poses such as Marjariasana, Bhujang asana, and Dhanur asana strengthen the abdominal muscles, relieve stress, and promote agni flow in the body.
Panchakarma is an ayurvedic detoxification therapy that includes enemas that can help cleanse and nourish the intestines.
Panchakarma treatment for IBS may involve
- Abhyanga (therapeutic massage with ayurvedic oils)
- Shirodhara (warm oil therapy on forehead)
- To soothe the digestive tract, use Chakra basti (warm oil treatment around the naval and accompanying marma points).
Foods High in Fiber
A fiber-rich diet is believed to help clear the bowels and alleviate some of the symptoms of IBS. It provides weight to the digestive tract and stimulates the intestines naturally. Foods high in fiber, such as bananas, carrots, and dals, can help alleviate the symptoms of grahani roga. A fiber-rich diet has different effects on different people. Some people may require a low-fiber diet to relieve cramping and abdominal pain, while others may require a high-fiber diet to improve bowel motions. Before making any significant modifications to your diet plans, we recommend you speak with an expert Ayurvedic doctor.
Several herbs can be utilized as natural IBS treatments. They may alleviate stomach pain, bloating, and other IBS symptoms. In addition, because they have a laxative effect, some herbs and herbal medicines are thought to be beneficial in relieving constipation. Including herbs such as amla, Triphala, senna, chamomile, and aloe vera in your regimen, either as a mixture or as part of your food, will help strengthen your bowels and relax your digestive system. Make these natural IBS cures a part of your daily routine, and you should feel considerably better.
Meditation and relaxation divert attention away from physical discomfort and help to keep agni flowing smoothly. Breathing exercises like anulom-vilom can also help calm down the misfiring nerves in your bowels. In addition, relaxation-based techniques are recognized to help reduce anxiety and worry in those with IBS symptoms. Because the body’s natural stress response is intimately linked to bowel function, such emotions can aggravate the digestive problems that grahani roga patients are most concerned about.
Prebiotics and Probiotics
Probiotics are live microorganisms (bacteria) that help with digestion. They may also aid in treating anxiety, depression, high blood cholesterol, and skin problems. Prebiotics are simply food for probiotic bacteria that live in the gut. People with IBS have decreased amounts of bifidobacteria, and prebiotics restores these levels to normal. This permits the beneficial bacteria in your gut to manufacture nourishment for your colon cells, resulting in a more efficient digestive system. Prebiotics can be found naturally in various foods, including bananas, asparagus, and onions.
Other natural cures for IBS include drinking plenty of water, panchakarma treatments such as massages and therapy, and manonukulata. This therapy focuses on relaxing and resolving the problem’s underlying causes. The best way to treat grahani roga is to determine the source of the irritation, identify symptoms, and receive individualized treatment.